fotosalon Plovdiv vabi k sodelovanju tudi mlade med 16 in 21 let – brez kotizacije

Vasja Doberlet priporoča salon Plovdiv, ki ga organizirajo v Bolgariji.

Mladi med 16 in 21 let lahko zastonj sodelujejo v dveh od šestih kategorij. Rok za oddajo je 16. maj 2021.

Objavljamo vabilo organizatorja v angleščini:



In the current, eighth edition, we announced a free participation for young photographers from all over the world.
Everyone aged 16 to 21 can participate in 2 sections (out of 6) of their personal choice. Here are two links to see the conditions of the competition:
Entry for youth:

Our supplication to you is, that If You know about some youth photo organization (or youth clubs) in Slovenia, we will be very happy if you can share this opportunity to all your young photo friends, and later in many countries and photographers from all over the world to see Slovenian youth photography in the contest – as an entry and of course we wish the better ones to be in the finalists too! You know, that since 2014 till now, we have produced a luxury paper album A4 (over 160 pages) supported by Plovdiv municipality and the event is in the cultural calendar in the town.
You clearly know that not many contests do this, and that practice is serious attestation! We are proud of it! Another different practice is that we collect several exhibition selections and visit between 8 and 12 art places (galleries and others) and the best awarded photos touch many different people in a couple of towns out of the host town Plovdiv.